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Oh, JT…

Oh, Joshua Tree aka JT. Sorry, you didn’t think I meant Justin Timberlake did you? WHOOPS! Joshua Tree is the land of never-ending yucca trees and a whole bunch of rock formations. This park attracts many hikers, rock climbers, campers, stargazers, and instagram models for picturesque moments to capture on your camera. This park has some serene beauty with all the rocky landscape and tall boulders.

Sunset at White Tanks Campground
Photo taken on iPhone 8+ (9.22.18)

This past weekend Bryan, Reilly (our 105 lb. Newfoundland Black Lab mix), and I went to JT to go camping with our connect group from church.

Connect Group from Grace Church San Diego
Photo taken on iPhone 8+ (9.22.18)

This was my fourth time going to JT but second time camping there. The first time we camped at JT we stayed at Jumbo Rocks Campground and it SNOWED!!! We had gone in January earlier this year over MLK weekend with my big sis from Delta Gamma, Theresa and her boyfriend Bill along with a couple of their friends. I remember thinking how cold it was and not wanting to get out of my sleeping bag. As I was still laying in the tent, I noticed it was a little windy and I looked up and could see “stuff” on the tent cover thinking, “is that sand?!” NO! I was WAYYYY wrong! I unzipped the front of the tent to take a peak outside and saw everything was blanketed in white SNOW! Yes…you read that right… SNOW! I thought I was dreaming! Here is a picture for proof that not only did it snow 1) in SoCal and 2) in the dessert, but also on my first time camping in SoCal!

Do you see the “stuff” on top of the tent?
Photo taken on iPhone 8+ (1.20.18)

Most recently we stayed at White Tanks campground. At $20 per night, you can pitch a tent and stargaze all night. If you ever plan on going, you may want to plan ahead since campgrounds tend to fill up quickly.

One of my favorite things about JT is to see all the wildlife. Every time I go to JT, I always see a variety of plants and animals who call this National Park home. I have seen multiple coyotes, rabbits, grasshoppers, bats, dragonflies, lizards, and so much more! Although, I have yet to see a big-horned sheep! I’ve seen their hoof prints so I know they are out there!!

Big-Horned Sheep Hoof
Photo taken on iPhone 8+ (9.22.18)

Another one of my other favorite things about JT is being “unplugged” from the world. You truly get to dive deeper with the people you are with because you don’t feel obligated to tend to some electronic device that is always attached at your finger tips. We don’t have to text other people or scroll through social media. Now, I know many of you know that I am very guilty of this, so I love when I get to a place that has “No Service” because I am free from my device. The only reason I ever carry my phone on me in JT is for the camera if I don’t want to carry around my Canon. In a really odd way, I think it is a really nice way to cleanse from all of our social media nonsense.

What’s there to do in a desert you ask? Well lots of things…one of the fun outdoorsy things I like to do in JT is hike. They have sooooo many different trails depending on your level of experience. This trip we did a couple easy ones: Barker Dam and Arch Rock. Both are really awesome hikes and pretty easy too!

Barker Dam. I am standing on the Dam looking at the water.
Photo taken on iPhone 8+ (1.20.18)
Arch Rock
Photo taken on iPhone 8+ (9.22.18)

A trail that I haven’t done yet but would love to do next is Ryan Mountain Trail. It is the second highest point in JT and has a beautiful panoramic view of the park. It is a longer hike (being about 3 miles long), but supposedly the views are worth the hike. Always keep in mind, depending on when you go, to prepare accordingly. Bring lots of water, snacks, first aid, etc.

Not only is there hiking but there is also rock climbing. I personally haven’t done much rock climbing so I don’t have much to say but from what I’ve heard it is truly amazing. And apparently they have a JT Rock Climbing School?! That’s cool! There are over 4,500 rock climbing routes and of course for all experienced levels.

And if it is too hot while you are visiting, then just hop in your car to blast some AC and drive around to see all of JT’s iconic geological formations. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery that JT has to offer its guests, including the Pinto Basin, which is one of the more beautiful routes. I always think to myself, “what was God thinking when he made places like this?” This trip I started calling the big boulders of the earth “sprinkles.” Do you agree?! Alright back to what I was saying… One of the drives through Pinto Basin I want to do next time is go to the Cholla Cactus gardens. Supposedly they are amazing.

At night, the weather starts to drop and stars come out. Hands down, stargazing is my favorite thing to do. Personally I think the best time to go to JT is when the moon is smallest so the moon doesn’t radiate too much light (usually during a waning crescent moon). It makes all the stars way more brighter and it’s like a glitter dome when you look up. I remember seeing the stars out there for the first time and I was so amazed at how many stars there were. JT has so much to offer when it comes to stargazing because of how open it is and the fact that it’s far enough from big polluted cities. And don’t forget to cozy up next to a fire while watching the stars! During this trip one of my favorite things we did as a group was sat around the campfire playing games and then sang songs praising and worshipping our Heavenly Creator who created this wonderful park. What’s your favorite thing to do while camping?
